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Speaking of...

Writer's picture: Tamara SagathevanTamara Sagathevan

I have not blogged here since September, which is definitely not the idea I had for my art and creative life plans.

Speaking of plans, I think the most important update for anyone who needs to be updated, is that I finished my course! I pressed publish on the little f**ker on the 02/11/2021. I don't think I have fully processed that I did that as yet.

When I say it was a baptism of fire, it really was, and I am unsure if my next go at making a course will be easier or harder, but I do know that I have a bug to make another!

Speaking of bugs, I thought I could cheat the system and make my own Nando's sauce and my own Nando's. It's one of the tastes of home I miss the most. Well 1.5 weeks of food poisoning later, finally healing a bit, I can say, please only use approved Nando's sauce...#notsponsored

I am so grateful for my health today, I actually feel like doing things, I walked my dog and it was fun again, I cleaned my desk and I feel joy.

Speaking of grateful, it is 161 years since my first ancestors arrived in South Africa as Indentured Labourers. I don't want to go into it all here, because I KNOW this is a very specific piece of "me" that I am yet to address and honour the way I want, and I am not yet comfortable enough with certain things to engage with it on the internet and be steadfast when opinions come my way. However, I am so grateful for all those people, the ones who came before me, who endured the horrendous conditions of the ships, Indentured Labour [A.K.A. not slavery slavery], hostile conditions. I am grateful for them and I honour them.

I often wonder, what about my great-grandfather, did he like to draw, and paint, and tell stories? Did he ever think when he was abandoned as a little boy on the shores of South Africa, that one day, he would have a great-grandaughter, who would be thriving in Europe doing something like 'following her heart'...

Speaking of, one of my friends, Reen Sarai, who writes such sweet poetry and is one of my biggest supporters once said to me, that I was the dream of my ancestors and this always sends such chills down my spine.

"I am the dream of my ancestors"...

Slideshow of 1 picture which shows the many blended faces of my ancestors, with many filters.

Thank you for reading

Tamka Out,


Sep 30, 2022

awww so glad you feel that way about my written words.yes while writing also sometimes i read my own writing a feel a great big hug from somewhere.So good to know you recieve that same feeling.Typing in replies to your blogs after long.😍


Sep 30, 2022

wow I just found the story that Gypsies(romani and Domari) originated from north west India and not egypt.A huge group of creatives hand picked captured by invaders and taken out of india as slaves,captives or migrated out because of famine ,floods😮 and the racism and hardships they faced in europe western world.ouch!I have been unpacking that.reading this post again.So much of descendents of Indentured Labourers (indentured indians in caribean)(indentured indians in fiji) and more oh there are more stories we are now uncovering all are resiliently creating life after."creating!"With all going on in the world now..I am just gathering hope here.Hope here that by creating so many are healing.and in this week month time of the year..i send a swee…


Feb 20, 2022

yaaaa just making that was tough you had to face yourself...and wow look at the gift it happy that one by one you are sharing your process of creating some deep expression.May we all drop the inner critic and create along.


Feb 20, 2022

I love this art!and witnessing this I wanna read about this in history...the history and herstory written by people of color😊

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